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Under 100 Dollar Gems
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Under 100 Dollar Gems
Quality gems for a great price
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Sold! This Enhydro inside of this DT Skeletal Smoky Quartz goes to the surface of where the sidecar attaches to this piece. I really wonder what would happen if the side car popped off. Would the bubble be up against the surface, or would it barely be trapped in the main crystal! $35!
Sold! A special deal on Phenakite.. a main stone, and 2 sets. A nice matching set of 3.25mm and then 4, 2.5mm. The main stone is .50cts! Stupid cheap and $100!!
I really like this Yellow Fluorite from Mexico. I just love how all the cubes come together to make this stacked and aesthetic specimen! There is a slight phantom on the surface which gives it a purplish color! $45!
Sold! The clarity, phantoms, and color on this Rogerly Fluorite are amazing.. another thing special about this piece is the fact it is UV reactive in the sun! It also is a twined Fluorite and the twined crystal has amazing color and phantoms! $65!
Sold! This Shattuckite included Quartz is next level cool. When was the last time you saw a baby blue phantom in a Quartz like this? Prob not recently… very cool and unique. Love the blue balls when you look up close! $155! Available on @over_100_dollar_gems
A cool Wulfenite from Mexico with botryoidal Mimetite. The Mimetite gives a really cool look and adds a lot to the aesthetics. If your looking for a piece to zone out on for hours this may be the one for you! $100! @rockswithspots this is a good one to post. P.s checkout this cool page my friend made.
This Okorusu Fluorite has some of the most intense colors and phantoms. It’s crazy all the colors in this piece. If you were to backlit it, it would show even more color. A great piece and I will be sad to see her go. $300! Hard to get the Okos like this. Available on @over_100_dollar_gems! If it doesn’t sell, I will just keep her.
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I picked this Fluorite up on my last trip in Namibia. Intense color with almost a blue purple hint. This piece is paired with a bi color beryl which are referred to as aquadors. A mix of Aquamarine and Heliodor. Cool combo and nice color! Priced at $70 it’s an aesthetic perky!
Recently there has been a lot more miners putting together specimens like this… Whether the Fluorite was naturally there and then came off… I don’t know. The miners sold me this piece, and today when going through the material I pulled this one out. It’s a great example of the lollipop pocket, just not natural. The fluorite itself is very nice and I’ve debated removing it from the Schorl but thought maybe someone will enjoy this piece like I do, and want to add it to their collection knowing it’s “cemented” in place! $85! I also have started a fakes collection, some are better than others. This one is pretty good fake and to the natural eye would prob go through someone’s hands without knowing. Luckily I have years of experience in the field and collecting to catch the small things like this.
Sold! A little 3 mine specimen from Southern California! This mine is famous for producing some of the best Spessartine in the world. Since I am from California I have always been in love with California mined material. Maybe one reason I am the @benitoite_kid! $25!
Last item of the day is going to be something SUPER RARE! Red Beryl from NEW MEXICO!! Who would have thought I would have tracked down a small parcel of the new find Red Beryl from New Mexico? Not me. Very rare; and a very rare locality. Similar form, color, and inclusions as the Utah material, just smaller and not as vibrant. $65! We will have 1 more in todays live at 5pm pacific!
A cool Fluorite from Mexico. This is my last piece from this pocket that I picked up earlier this year in Tucson. Reminds me sort of material from the Elmwood mine, the form is really interesting, and so is the color. $75!